Friday, November 21, 2014

New Tech : The safety device for the home that is always listening

New Tech : The safety device for the home that is always listening

New Tech

New Tech 

New Tech : For Airbnb guests who want to keep control over their homes, a complete security system at home could be an exaggeration. They are expensive, and live cameras and motion detectors in the privacy of clients. So how do you ensure that customers keep the volume, do not smoke inside and not spoil his house?

A new device called microphones combined points to environmental sensors to detect anything unusual in your home while you are away. A broken window while you are at work, the sound of their teens throwing a wild party, grandfather sneaking an unauthorized cigarette after dinner.
"They want peace of mind and know that everything is fine, but do not want or need comprehensive security systems," said Nils Mattisson, co-founder devices form, setting knitting.
Small round plastic item like a traditional smoke detector crossed with a speaker. Sounds consistent with data from other sensors to understand what could have happened - suddenly followed by a drop in temperature could mean a window was broken. Is heard when existing smoke detector off and sends an alert, but not certified as an official single smoke detector.
It has a microphone that can detect sounds outside of the human ear can collect. Environmental sensors collect temperature; particle sensors can say what is in the air.
When the point detect any significant change, it sends an alert to your smartphone owner. The mobile application also shows a calendar of events, so that anyone can quickly scroll to see the day when people were in the house. All calculation is performed on the device; no audio streaming live, no way to spy on your home and there is a huge amount of data to classify.
Mattisson worked in the exploratory design group at Apple for seven years, where he helped build the first prototypes, ideas of experimental products. He left the company last year to start the form with the co-founders Fredrik Loof Ljungblad Marcus and Martin Ahlberg.
Together, they wanted to create a new kind of smart devices in the home. The original idea started with Airbnb hosts, but for all those who want a lightweight security option for your home or office. It is intended for anyone who does not have a complex security system, or who are not comfortable with the images of the inside of your home to be stored in the cloud.
Internet-connected cameras that Dropbox is a popular alternative to comprehensive security systems, but the photos and videos stored in the cloud may be vulnerable to hackers. For example, a site welcomes Russia hacked webcam video stream of strangers. Point does not store any audio processing information directly on the device.

Form has raised $ 150,000 on Kickstarter and is working with a manufacturer in China in the first round of production, while proven devices first prototypes. Early next year, the company based in Finland sent the unit its first pilot client, a management company that leases office space for short periods. Form waiting to try a hotel shortly after, and make it available to consumers by next summer.

High-tech companies like Apple and Google, and traditional DIY stores like Lowe's and Home Depot are all growing smart home products as the next big thing. Mattisson because large companies taking existing products, such as thermostats and refrigerators and add Internet.
"We thought there was a need for something that is simple," said Mattisson. "And we do not make the products that are in the same mold."

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