Tuesday, November 18, 2014

New Tech : Samsung talks future !! folding screens and 4K smartphones coming in 2015

New Tech

-New Tech :  One of the thrills of writing about technology is that more often than not one gets to blog about the next big thing always lurking just around the corner. Fans of technology have been living in the future forever and today Samsung spoke to the technophiles, sharing some of the upcoming technologies its mobile display unit is aiming to bring to market in 2014 and 2015 !

- We’ll be living in the post-Retina world next year as Samsung preps to double the pixel count on smartphone and tablet screens, we’re being told. And by 2015, your mobile devices will have full 4K resolution displays – that’s a whopping 3,840-by-2,160 pixels normally found on Ultra HD TV sets, or four times the pixels of the full HD (1,920-by-1,080) Blu-ray movies !

- By comparison, the iPad’s Retina display maxes out at 2,048-by-1,536 pixels. But that’s just scratching the surface...!

- On the iPhone 5/5s/5c’s four-inch screen, Retina means 1,136-by-640 pixel resolution, enough for the 326 pixels per inch density. But Samsung is now developing 560ppi AMOLED panels for smartphones that will be a reality as early as next year !

- According to slides shown at Samsung’s Analyst Day gathering today, this is 78 percent more pixels on a typical five-inch smartphone at a whopping 1,440p resolution (there’s your new buzzword) !

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