Tuesday, May 6, 2014

New Tech : Data Point: The New Customer Service Pro: Your Gadget

New Tech

Shoppers have always wanted good customer service. They just prefer now to get it from themselves.

People browsing store aisles would much rather use their own devices or electronic kiosks rather than speak to employees, according to a Deloitte study that was charted by Statista.

More than half the people surveyed said they would prefer to look up prices, get product info and check on available from their own devices. Nearly half said they would prefer using their own gadgets to make a payment or find it on the shelves. Kiosks were the second choice in all categories, above speaking to sales associates.

An increasingly tech-comfortable population, used to browsing virtual aisles on Amazon for everyday goods and price-checking on Google, is more comfortable finding stuff on its own. Even supermarkets have automated checkout lines.

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